Wednesday, June 20, 2018

OJ Demands Evidence On Fertiliser Allegation

By: Kebba Mamburay/Mustapha Jallow,
Foroyaa Newspaper; June 19th, 2018
Mr Omar Jallow, Minister of Agriculture yesterday afternoon called for the provision of evidence for the allegation that he is involved in the sale of fertiliser for personal financial gain. He was speaking at a press conference held at his ministry.
Mr Jallow said while he was away on an official mission, it happened that some media published some allegation against him as minister of agriculture in relation to the issue of the expired fertilizers in different stores within the country. He added that in one of the publications, it was written that he signed a contract with a businessman for the sale of the fertilizer for financial gain. He then emphasised that allegation is unfounded, malicious and defamatory. The minister stated categorically that he had never been involved in such a transaction, neither signed a contract, nor knew when the contract was signed and had not known about the contract until long after the contract was signed.
He stated that the process started in 2009 when the fertiliser was imported into the country and found unfit for usage. Some of the people responsible for the importation were arrested and detained, OJ said.
According to him, in 2014, the process to discard this fertiliser was started and from the information he gathered including all the documents provided for media personnel as evidence and proof, due process and diligence were observed and respected.
He said he could not understand how he can be associated with a process that started since 2014 when he was not yet appointed, stressing that he was never contacted or aware of the contract. To clear the doubts of media personnel OJ provided copies of contract letters from GPPA, GGC and other relevant authorities who were involved in this process.
He further pointed out that about eight months ago, ISIS began an investigation regarding the saga and when they came to his office, he told them categorically clear that he was never informed, nor involved in  the whole process of this fertilizer issue which was confirmed to them by his former permanent secretary.
OJ Jallow, minister of agriculture, said he would like to call on the publishers of the allegations raised against him to come forward to provide evidence that he signed this contract for financial gain, or else he will take legal action to resolve the matter.
He went on to say that the courts have to clear or settle this matter even if it will cost him his job, adding that not even the president can convince him to drop this matter so as to settle it out of court.
The Minister then remarked that, with the new dispensation, they thought that all professionals and institutions will live up to expectation and have high ethics but after going through serious and difficult times during the previous regime, they are witnessing people coming again to put them and their families through more stressing and difficult situations.
OJ argued that he could not engage in monetary corruption because if he were greedy we would not have come back to The Gambia because he was working in East Timor he was earning $6,000. He asked why would he leave that place for the Gambia if he has no love for this country?

Two PIU Officers In Custody After The Shooting Of Two Citizens In Faraba

June 19th, 2018,  FatuNetwork.Net

ASP Musa Fatty a young PIU officer and another officer are currently detained at the Serious Crime Unit of The Gambia Police Force for allegedly shooting at enviromental activists during a protest against a sand mining company in Faraba.
Their arrests came after the office of the inspector general of police issued a press statement stating that the office did not authorize the use of fire arms which led to the death of Bakary Kujabi and Ismaila Bah.

Musa Fatty is originally from Banjulnding but currently resides in Busumbala with his wife. He got married according to his friends shortly before Ramadan. Musa joined the Police in mid 2000 after he graduated from Saint Augustine’s High school

It was during one of former President Jammeh’s countrywide tours that Jammeh spotted Musa and commended his role thereby instructing former IGP, Yankuba Sonko to promote him to the rank of Assistant Suprintendant of Police (ASP) with immediate effect, he was a junior officer then. He also served as ordely to former interior minister, Ousman Sonko.
ASP Fatty was trained in Turkey and Egypt. Upon return, he served as officer in charge of VIP protection at the police. He also escorded the April 14 protesters to Janjanbureh prison and is said to have treated them with utmost respect.

Shortly after Barrow became President, ASP Fatty became part of the first batch from the PIU that took over from the state guards. He was later removed because of ‘disgareements’ he had with Security personnel at the Presidency not The Gambian security officers.
The ASP was then moved back to The PIU headquarters in Kanifing as commander where he led many operations including The ‘Occupy Westfield’ the Kanilai protests and Farato. The Faraba incident though was led by one Suprintendant Cham and ASP Fatty and his men were called in for reinforcement after the PIU on the ground communicated that they were overpowered by the villagers of Faraba.
A security source told The Fatu Network that Musa is a very professional officer who is always on hand when situations occur.
‘ I doubt Musa will make sure a decision by himself, he will never shoot at innocent civilians without instructions’
‘They just want to sacrifice Musa, this is why they putting all the blame on him’ Another source said
The Fatu Network has also been informed that ASP Fatty’s pistol with live rounds has gone missing.
Meanwhile, one of the PIU officers at the scene yesterday is said to be in coma.ASP M Fatty

PIU Officers Killed Two, Injured Many At Faraba Village

The Police Intervention Unit (PIU) have reportedly shot live bullets at peaceful demonstrators killing two activists leaving several others with serious injuries on Monday at Faraba Banta Village, Kombo East District.
According to sources the fracas emanated from Julakay Engineering Company that is currently engaged in sand mining operations though the villagers say they were not consulted and felt the operations will have serious impact on their environment.
Bakary Kujabi was reportedly shot on his chest and Ismaila Bah on his neck causing their instant death at the scene. The several injured include Francois Jammeh, Salifu Darboe, Jalang Darboe, Sainey Sonko, Dawda Daffeh, Pa Jammeh (shot on his leg), Buba Sanyang, Masanneh Njie, Sheriffo Touray and Amadou Jang Jawo who was shot on his buttocks is currently in critical condition. Many of them are admitted at the EFST Hospital in Banjul.
“We were not armed,” Mustapha Camara said.
The youth leader also an eyewitness told The Fatu Network that they were talking to the PIU officers posted at the village to ask the truck drivers to return the loaded sand until they received clearance from the National Assembly Select Committee that suspended mining operations at the place.
“While we were talking, two trucks of PIU officers came and fired two shots in the air….then started throwing tear gas…we picked it up and throw it back at them,” Mustapha said.
“They started firing rubber bullets before using live bullets killing our people,” he added.
“I was the first person who came to rescued Bakary Kujabi who was shot on his chest and the bullet passed through his back”
Mustapha explained that the seventeen (17) year old Bakary Kujabi was the only child of his mother.
“We want to know whether the IGP or President Barrow gave the order to fire live bullets at us,” Mustapha retorted.
Suwaibou Sanyang, another eyewitness told The Fatu Network that they heard the PIU officers saying aloud ‘Let us killed them’. He said they were using foul and abusive words.
The angry youths went after the alleged culprits dealing with Julakay Engineering Company. The Chief Bakary Sanyang of Kombo East was not spared, they brought the death bodies to his place and slapped him several times before fleeing away. The house and car belonging to Jung Conteh, former Chief was burnt likewise Jambawuntu Sanyang and Boyo Jarju. They all fled away with the Village Head, Nuha Kujabi, Bakary Saidy and Mamadi Saidy.
The villagers say one of the shooters of Bakary Kujabi was a PIU Officer and his name is Alieu Camara of Brikama New Town.
“I told him on his face that he has killed an innocent person”
The Police Spokesperson, Superintendent David Kujabi was contacted but said he is gathering information about the incident.
The person behind the Julakay Engineering Company is one Ansumana Marenah. He is from Badibu Suwareh Kunda, a close associate of the late Baba Jobe who introduced him to the former President Yahya Jammeh.
Mr Ansumana Marenah commonly known as ‘Julakay’ was a businessman and financiers of the former ruling APRC Party.
Meanwhile, Journalist Pa Modou Bojang, the presenter of Menbekering programme was reportedly arrested and detained at the Brikama Police Station.

By: Lamin Sanyang,  June 18th, 2018