Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Barrow to run for 2021 presidency under NRP ticket: Hamat Bah.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The leader of the National Reconciliation Party (NRP), has stated that President Adama Barrow can contest the much-anticipated presidential election in 2021 under the NRP ticket.
Hamat Bah was speaking at Sare Bojo village, Jimara District of the Upper River Region during a rally attended by thousands of Barrow’s supporters.
“Barrow will stay in office for five years and he will be the presidential candidate for the NRP in the 2021 election,” he said, while underlining the unprecedented development the country has registered under the leadership of President Barrow.
There was no immediate reaction from Mr. Barrow regarding the offer; however, what is clear is that Barrow’s has fallout with his former party the United Democratic Party where he previously served as treasurer.
“If you are a civil servant working in the government and you don’t want Adama Barrow you should resign,” Mr. Bah warned.
“I have worked with him and I know he is a real democrat. Anything that has passed before in the country will be treated fairly and honestly and sincerely.”
Mr. Bah said anyone who has the intention of destabilising the country will face the full force of the law.
“We have to stand firmly and work towards national development. The bus is standing and whoever is not working will be offloaded.”
Mai Ahmed Fatty, President Barrow’s Special Adviser, recalled that The Gambia sever ties with many countries during former President Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years reign.
“When Barrow was elected, he said we have to deepen our relationship with others countries around the world and that about D65 millions have been spent in that crusade.”
The minister of the Interior, Ebrima Mballow, said plans are at advanced stage to decentralise ID Cards countrywide, saying no one will be denied an ID card based on tribal issues.
The newly appointed minister of Agriculture, Amie Fabureh, said the government is committed to improving the welfare of farmers, acknowledging that the rice that is grown in the country can feed the entire Gambia. 
Author: Momodou Jawo

Thursday, April 18, 2019

800 Gambians to leave Germany immediately

The Point Newspaper
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Dr. Stefan Oswald, PS, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has said that 800 Gambians are supposed to leave Germany immediately because they have ‘no right under German law’ to stay in the country. 
Dr. Oswald made these remarks on Tuesday at Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) Annex in Mansakonko during a visit to the institute currently being rehabilitated by Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ.
He added that there are relatively many Gambians of around 16,000 in Germany, out of which 4000  have no rights to stay in Germany.
He further said that out of the figure, 4,400 who are educated, need treatment and other reasons have the rights to stay for sometime.
The project is meant to improve employ ability of young Gambians including returnees through strengthening the GTTI Annex in Mansakonko.
Two pilot training courses of one year in production and repair of agricultural tools as well as solarTechnic on household level are due to be carried out at the institute.
Each batch is expected to accommodate 20 students, with 5 places secured for returnees. 
He stated that the project is part of their general activities in order to create better circumstances for people finding jobs, adding that they are supporting quite a number of activities but The Gambian government has to invest something.
He went on to say that they will assist the Gambian government in developing capacities to take their fate in their own hands because The Gambia, like all other African states are signatories to the Agenda 2063 called the Africa we want.
He noted that their job is to accompany countries who want to be accompanied.
He highlighted that Gambia has a youth potential, saying if Gambian youth want to make it in the country they can; as good things only happen if you do it yourself.
In conclusion, he said he expects Gambian youth to look around and see the opportunities available for them in the country and grab them.
Author: Cherno Omar Bobb

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Over 50 compounds demolished at Farato Bafuloto

The Point Newspaper
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Over 50 compounds were on Thursday demolished at Farato Bafuloto village in Kombo South.
The demolition exercise, ordered by Sheriff Division of the High Court, came following a court ruling in favour of Manor Real Housing Estate, who is said to be the rightful owners of the demolished area.
The exercise was conducted, amid high security presence by personnel of the Police Intervention Unit (PIU).
According to an official from the Sheriff Division of the High Court, who came along with the case files, the demolished compounds were illegally sold to the affected people by the ward head of Bafuloto Madina Nema Suu.
Our reporter also saw both the approved letter for demolition and the writ document from the Sheriff Division.
However, in our attempt to get the version of the Alkalo of Bafuloto village proves futile.
One Ousman Jallow, a native of Bafuloto village and a clerk to the Alkalo, disclosed that the said demolished compounds belong to one Mr. Bittaye in Banjul, who was using the site as garden before selling it to the said Housing Real Estate in the late 1980s.
Also speaking to The Point, Omar Ndow, one of those affected, said he was sitting in his compound when he saw a group of people including the PIU officers asking him to vacate his compound so as to carry out the demolition exercise.
 “I was sitting with my sister when we saw a group of people coming towards us and later asked us to vacate all our belongings so they can carry on their demolition exercise. But any time we ask them the reason for the demolition exercise, no one answer us. And no notice for demolition was given to us. All what I have worked for is invested into this house, so losing it in a single day will just create another setback for me and my family. We have nothing to do right now but only to rely on God,” he said.  
Author: Yusupha Jobe

Gunjur police forced to flee in fear of attack

The Point Newspaper

Monday, March 25, 2019
Station officers at Gunjur Police Station have deserted the station building for more than a week amid fears of any possible attack by the angry and bereaved Gunjur community in connection with the killing of Buba Jammeh in a land clash with Berending.
The said police station was earlier attacked in a recent land dispute between Gunjur and Berending villages, with stones being pelted leading to destruction of doors, vehicle windscreens and furniture, by the angry mob of Gunjur who accused the officers of taking bribes and accepting plots of land by their rival village Berending.
Our reporter while investigating the matter visited the Gunjur police station yesterday and can confirm to have found the station to be completely abandoned by the station officers since the land clash between the two neighbouring villages.
Sources have told The Point that the attacked police station has since the outburst of the land dispute between the two communities been entirely evaded by the station officers.
They claimed that the said officers are currently posted at the Sifoe Police Station, leaving the community in a state of insecurity.
In an interview with The Point, police spokesperson A.S.P. Lamin Njie said he has been receiving calls with regard to the desertion of the station by the police officers at Gunjur, but could not at the time of going to press establish the fact, adding that information will be given in due course about the matter. 
Author: Yusupha Jobe