Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Gambia Truth, Reconciliation And Reparations Commission (TRC) Launched.

The launching of Gambia’s much talked about Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRC) suffered a major setback due to overbooking at the Djembe Hotel. In order to avoid the cancellation of the launching ceremony, the event was hosted at a bedroom space, according to sources. Guests to the event congregated into the master bedroom, where the event is currently taking place.
 Djembe beach hotel is owned by Mr. Malleh Sallah, the number two man at the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The Justice Ministry booked for a conference room to host the event at Malleh’s hotel, but sadly officials of the Fisheries Ministry have already occupied the conference room. There is a Fisheries conference taking place at the conference room for the past two days, sources familiar with the story said.
Earlier on, guests attending the launching of the TRC waited for hours before the Justice Minister would arrive at the event. The program stared late, according to sources.
Frustrated event attendees have described the venue for the launching of the TRC as a “holding cell.”  The venue has been over congested with guests, sources said.
In another development, the event has been abruptly suspended, pending the completion of the Fisheries conference so that the TRC event can be relocated to the hotel’s conference room.
“They have just stopped to wait for the Fisheries officials to finish for them to move into the conference room. It is impossible to use the bedroom for the launching.  We are running two hours late,” said one guest attending the launching ceremony.
Written By Pa Nderry M’Bai   August 4th, 2017

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