The double standards of the commission of inquiry concerning the current office of the president operating bank accounts at the central bank
I don’t know if you notice in today’s commission of inquiry that Karamo Jawara stated that one of the accounts previously maintained and operated by the former president was now being maintained and operated by the current office of president. Amie Bensouda was quick to shut him down by stating that their mandate was as from the 31st January 2017. But the damage was already done.
The commission then goes on to ask the governors of CB whether it was a policy that the office of the president can maintain and operate an account at the central bank to which they answered in the negative. But yet according to Karamo Jawara the current office of the president has taken over that particular account as at 21st January with a balance of D5,000,000. This is the double standards that I don’t understand
I think the general public should be made aware of the account the office of the president has taken over and should be made to account for the spending. In fact I think the office of the president needs to clarify why it is operating and maintaining that account when there is a ministry of finance. What ever happen d to accountability and transparency and rule of law.
Pa, the only difference between this government and the past government is that we can all sleep safely with fear or arrest…other than that the current government is not different from the past one…everyone’s trying to eat. How can the government award a $500,000 to Amadou Sanneh’s accounting company to audit the number of personnel in the government system? It is clearly a conflict of interest further it’s questionable whether such a contract was tendered through the right channels. We will continue documenting the abuses and corrupt practitioners cues the current government and ministers are emerged in. What ever happened to rule of law and good governance smh.
I would like to remain anonymous. Thank you.
Freedom Newspaper (September 19th, 2017)
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