Sunday, December 31, 2017

Barrow And The New Youth Movement.

The spending of taxpayers money on President Barrow`s one year victory anniversary celebration has been condemned by United Democratic Party`s MPs.
Thousands of Gambians including President Adama Barrow and his cabinet ministers on Saturday 2ndDecember converged at the Buffer Zone in the Serrekunda metropolis to celebrate his victory in the December 2016 presidential election.
According to Hon. Sulayman Saho of Central Badibu and Fakebba Colley of King West, taxpayers money used to organise the event could have been spent on development priority areas.
MP Saho said on a day like this, the President should have addressed the entire nation through the media about his government`s development programmes, rather than “gathering people at the Buffer Zone.”
He said:
“We should concentrate on improving the living conditions of our people, not useless celebrations. It`s not a step in the right direction.
“Today I visited Central Badibu the place lacks solar energy, there is water shortage, bad roads and youth unemployment. That should be our focus.”
Saho reminds that amongst the reasons former President Jammeh was voted out is his wasteful spending on celebrations. He added that the money used to finance Barrow`s victory anniversary ‘is a lot’, which will not benefit Gambians.
Before becoming the Coalition presidential candidate and his subsequent victory, Barrow was a member of the United Democratic Party and enjoys lots of support from the party. However, according to MP Saho, they were not invited to the event as MPs and the UDP party executives were not informed.
He said in the 2018 National Budget, over twenty million dalasis has been budgeted for celebrations, which he is prepared to challenge. Saho added that if necessary, he will petition the executives about their wasteful spending of taxpayers’ money on unworthy celebrations.
The anniversary celebration has generated lots of attention on social media, as those known to be Barrow`s closest political ally`s distances themselves from the event. Fakebba Colley MP for King West, also of the UDP said the money used for the event, “should have been spent on priority areas.”
He pointed out the bad road conditions in his constituency that needs attention and added that MPs should have been consulted about the event for their advice. Equally, Hon. Colley explained that they were not invited to attend the event.  (December 3rd, 2017)

Fatoumata Tambajang Sworn In As Gambia Vice President.

VP Tambajang and President Barrow
(JollofNews) – Aja Fatoumata Jallow Tambajang was sworn in as Vice-President of The Gambia on Thursday morning, after being appointed for post overseeing since March this year. She is the second woman to occupy the vice-presidency in the country’s political history as the new government is pushing ahead with a gender parity agenda.
“The story of our fight to bring about peace, democracy and rule of law in The Gambia started a long time ago when very few believed that we had a little chance to succeed. We  finally succeeded because of
the contribution of each individual such as Aja Fatoumata Jallow Tambajang,” said President Barrow while addressing an invited audience comprised of government officials, religious leaders and other dignitaries.
The newly sworn-in VP has been instrumental in forging unity among political parties ahead of 2016 presidential poll. She is the Chair of the Coalition 2016 that put an end to Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year rule. In the aftermath of July 1994 military take-over, she held the post of Secretary of State for Health and Social Welfare in the transition
government, before parting company with the junta. She subsequently joined United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in various missions throughout Africa.
The Gambian leader described the Vice-President as a strong professional woman with a sound character, who has ‘brought to Cabinet a wide range of skills that are highly required for social reconstruction and rebuilding of the country’s economy after years of divisive rule and mismanagement by the former government.’
Barrow then added that no leader can succeed…unless, without the support of the people they are tasked to lead and sworn-in to serve.
He expressed his confidence in the VP ability to serve the Presidency. “I feel encouraged and hopeful whenever I welcome highly skilled and dedicated Gambians, especially women,” he said.
VP Tambajang said God has manifested His miracles through the regime change that occurred in the tiny West African nation.
She plunged the audience into the peripeties that punctuated the country’s push for democratic change, and highlighted the difficult situation Gambians were able to endure to end dictatorship.
She said the country has faced enormous challenges as a result of bad governance.
Tambajang expressed the new administration readiness to transform Gambia into a democratic model. (November 10th, 2017)

Minister Mai Fatty Fired.

JollofNews) – President Adama Barrow of the Gambia has sacked the country’s minister of the Interior, Mai Ahmad Fatty.
Mai Fatty, leader of the Gambia Moral Congress (GMC), which is part of the coalition government of President Adama Barrow, was sent packing from his office on Friday.
No reasons were given but a letter from the Office of the President said it was in accordance with provisions of the country’s constitution.
Mr Fatty, a former human rights lawyer has now been redeployed to the diplomatic service but the government is yet to disclose in what capacity.
Meanwhile, Abubacarr Tambadou, minister of Justice has been assigned to oversee the vacant Ministry of the Interior until further notice. (November 10th, 2017)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Jammeh's American lobbyist Denies Janneh Commission Testimony.

Gambia: Breaking News: American Lobbyist Debunks Kapu Cham’s Testimony; As EAW Group CEO Set The Record Straight!

John Aycoth former lobbyist for the exiled Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh, has debunked claims made by Abdoulie Cham, AKA Kapu Cham, the former Financial Controller at the Central Bank of The Gambia, who claimed in his testimony before the Janneh Commission that on August 24th, 2001, the sum of $800,000 dollars was paid to Mr. Aycoth’s EAW Group Lobby Firm bank account on the instructions of Yahya Jammeh. Setting the record straight during a Freedom Radio Gambia interview on Saturday, Mr. Aycoth said he is not denying that $800,000 dollars was paid to his account, but was quick to point out that neither Mr. Cham, nor the Central Bank of the Gambia were involved in the said transaction. He said the funds were wired directly to his company’s account by the Central Bank of the Republic of China on Taiwan. The funds were meant for the purchase of 36 trucks SUVS, a bullet proof BMW, and spare parts for the former dictator. What Mr. Cham is saying is partially true. The $800,000 dollars was wired, and I have discussed this before in previous radio interviews. And, the document came out of the trial in 2005, when I sued president Jammeh and the government for nonpayment for the year of 2002, which as you may know; I was hired by the president and terminated; which he cannot do,” Mr. Aycoth said 

“Mr. Cham said in his statement that on 24th of August 2001, that $800,000 dollars was paid to my company EAW Group on the instructions of the former president. I just want to clarify to both you, your viewers and listeners, and to the people, who make up this commission; I was paid $800,000 dollars then to purchase a number of trucks SUVS and bullet proof BMW; but the president and the Central Bank never paid that from the Republic of the Gambia. That money was transferred directly to me, from the Central Bank of the Republic of China on Taiwan. So, that thing I want to clarify; the appearance of what Mr. Cham is saying is that; that he and the Central Bank paid it of Gambia and that is not true. And I think he is supposed to be truthful when he testifies. So, that’s my response. The money was sent directly to me, from the Republic of China on Taiwan Central Bank, and we have the documents to proof that it came from Taiwan; not the Republic of the Gambia,” Mr. Aycoth clarified.
According to Mr. Aycoth, the Embassy of the Gambia in Washington DC was involved in the purchase of the vehicles. The late John P Bojang was the Gambian Ambassador to the United States at the time. He described the late Mr. Bojang as the president’s cousin.
Mr. Aycoth therefore vehemently dismissed Mr. Cham’s claims. He said the only person he dealt with from the Gambia during the procurement of the vehicles was Yahya Jammeh.
“My understanding from what the president told me, is that he told the Taiwan Ambassador that he needed the money transferred. So, there was no involvement from the Central Bank of the Gambia; that’s my understanding. The president told me, at the time that he has given the invoice for the vehicles and the spare parts to the Ambassador of Taiwan; and he said he would transfer the money; and then the president called me, and told me, it would be coming from Taiwan; that Taiwan agreed to pay,” the American lobbyist tells Freedom Radio.
“And, you got to understand the additional money between the vehicles purchased and the $800,000, also included the funds to ship all of that out of the port of Baltimore to Banjul.There were no funds transferred to me, from the Central Bank of the Gambia to me at all. The only time that funds were paid to me directly was from the Taiwanese government,” he posited.
When asked whether he has ever dealt with Abdoulie Cham, John replied in the negative. “I never heard of the man. The only person I dealt with concerning the contract between my company EAW Group and the Republic of the Gambia, was with the Finance Minister Famara Jatta. That was the only person I have ever dealt with and that was with the presence of the president; I had meeting with him at his office, or he will come see me at my room at the hotel; I was staying at the Coconut hotel,” he said.
Further asked as to whether there was any impropriety in regards to the $800,000 dollars that was transferred to his account by the government of Taiwan; whether he has done anything wrong?  Mr. Aycoth had this to say: “Well I didn’t do anything wrong. The president asked me to get him these trucks SUVS on behalf of the government; on behalf of the office of the president; and I think 36 vehicles; and all the spare parts; and the spare tires; and then of course we had included the shipping fee, which was quiet substantial; and remember that was not part of my job description under my contract with the government; that’s outside of it; and of course in the judge’s ruling; the Federal judge in our case against the Gambia; she ruled that I was repeatedly asked to do things that were outside my contract on behalf of the Gambia by the president.”
Aycoth said the Embassy uses its tax-exempt status to ship the vehicles from the US to the Gambia. He said he will be more than willing to testify via a video conference call to the Janneh Commission if subpoenaed.
Aycoth has over the years led an aggressive campaign to name and shame the former Gambian despot. He said Jammeh should be arrested and extradited to face trial in the Gambia for financial crimes and crimes against humanity.
Read the full interview we had with Mr. Aycoth in our subsequent edition.
Written By Pa Nderry M’Bai
December 2nd, 2017.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

UDP Takes Charge. (Members of Gambian Parliament)

The United Democratic Party emerged the dominant power in last week’s National Assembly election with 31 seats won from across all regions in the country, leaving only 22 seats for its coalition partners and the opposition GDC and APRC as well as independent candidates.
The Gambia Democratic Congress GDC, which sponsored 52 candidates disappointingly came a joint distant second with former ruling party APRC, NRP all securing 5 seats. While the GDC seats came from different regions, the APRC managed to win only in its stronghold in the five Foni constituencies in the West Coast Region.
There were disappointments too among the other members of the coalition with PDOIS securing 4 seats while the former ruling party in the first republic PPP, got only 2. An independent candidate managed to retain his seat in Basse to complete the list of elected members.
Three other coalition partners the GMC, GPDP and the NCP failed to win even a single seat.
The results were greeted with different views and the nature of the next parliament. ”This is the UDP stamping its dominance and keen to prove that it is the biggest partner in the coalition. The results have exposed the relative weak strength of the other parties in the coalition and that suits the UDP’s quest to show that they are the biggest. And it could have been worse for these smaller partners had the UDP not decided to skip some constituencies in the spirit of partnership,” said Dodou Sey, a supporter of one of the coalition parties.
Another commentator Aboulie Samba, an APRC supporter warned that people should be wary of a UDP dominated parliament. “They would do everything to protect their party’s interest only; that much I can tell you. In fact contrary to what people may think even President Barrow should be worried about this. It means that if he chooses to be his own man any day or offend the UDP’s interest, he could be in trouble in the assembly,” Samba said.
Meanwhile a UDP sympathizer who begged for anonymity assured that the UDP’s majority in the assembly will be put into the interest of the Gambia at all times. ”This verdict comes from the people of the Gambia and our party will not digress from the interest of the people.  We are very much aware that the eyes of the Gambia will be on us but we will be guided by the national interest,’ he assured.
List of the National Assembly Members:

1. Muhammed Ndow- Banjul Central-PPP
2. Fatoumatta Njie-Banjul South-PPP
3. Ousman Sillah-Banjul North-PDOIS
4. Kajali Fofana-Jarra West-UDP
5. Kebba Jallow-Jarra Central-GDC
6.Sainey Touray-Jarra East-UDP
7.Yaya Gassama-Kiang East-UDP
8.BaKary Camara-Kiang Central-UDP
9.Fakebba NL Colley-kiang West-UDP
10.Assan Touray-Bakau-UDP
11.Alhagie Drammeh-Jeshwang-UDP
12.Halifa Sallah-Serrekunda-PDOIS
13.Madi MK Ceesay-Sk West-UDP
14.Fatou K Jawara-Tallinding-UDP
15.Bakary Njie-Bundung-UDP
16.Saikou Marong-Latrikunda-UDP
17.Matarr Jeng- Lower Niumi-UDP
18.Omar Darboe-Upper Niumi-UDP
19.Salifu Jawo-Jokadu-GDC
20.Alhagie Jawara-Lower Baddibu-UDP
21.Sulayman Saho-Central Baddibu-UDP
22.Dembo KM Camara-Illiasa-UDP
23.Ousman Touray-Sabach sanjal-NRP
24.Momodou Camara-Janjanbureh-UDP
25.Demba Sowe-Niamina West-GDC
26.Omar Ceesay-Niamina East-GDC
27.Samba Jallow-Niamina Dankunku-NRP
28.Alhagie Darboe-Lower Fulladu West-UDP
29.Dawda Kawsu Jawara-Upper Fulladu West-UDP
30.Sainey Jawara-Lower Saloum-NRP
31.Alhagie Mbow- Upper Saloum-NRP
32.Alhagie FB Sillah-Niani-UDP
33.Amadou Camara-Nianija-NRP
34.Alfusani Y Ceesay-Sami -UDP
35.Suwaidou Touray-Willi East-PDOIS
36.Sidia S Jatta- Wulli West-PDOIS
37.Billay G Tunkara-kantora-UDP
38.Foday NM Drammeh-Tumana -UDP
39.Muhammed Magassy-Basse-Independent
40. Alhagie H Sowe-Jimara-GDC
41.Kaddy Camara- Foni Bondali-APRC
42.Musa Amui Nyassi-Foni Kansala-APRC
43.Momodou Camara-Foni-Bintang-APRC
44.Lamin FM Conta-Kombo East-UDP
45.Baba Galleh Jallow-Sanimentereng-UDP
46.Alhagie S Jammeh -Foni Jarrol-APRC
47.Abdoulie Ceesay-Old Yundum-UDP
48.Saikouba Jarju-Busumbala-UDP
49.Kebba K Barrow-Kombo South-UDP
50.Lamin J Sanneh-Brikama South-UDP
51.Alagie S Darboe- Brikama North- UDP
52. Muhammed Mahanera-Sandu -UDP
53. Sunkary Badjie-Foni Brefet-APRC

SUMMARY: Independent 1, PPP 2,  PDOIS 4, APRC 5, GDC 5,  UDP 31, NRP 5.
Lamin Cham- Standard Newspaper (April 10th, 2017)