Sunday, December 31, 2017

Minister Mai Fatty Fired.

JollofNews) – President Adama Barrow of the Gambia has sacked the country’s minister of the Interior, Mai Ahmad Fatty.
Mai Fatty, leader of the Gambia Moral Congress (GMC), which is part of the coalition government of President Adama Barrow, was sent packing from his office on Friday.
No reasons were given but a letter from the Office of the President said it was in accordance with provisions of the country’s constitution.
Mr Fatty, a former human rights lawyer has now been redeployed to the diplomatic service but the government is yet to disclose in what capacity.
Meanwhile, Abubacarr Tambadou, minister of Justice has been assigned to oversee the vacant Ministry of the Interior until further notice. (November 10th, 2017)

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