Friday, March 29, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019 Station officers at Gunjur Police Station have deserted the station building for more than a week amid fears of any possible attack by the angry and bereaved Gunjur community in connection with the killing of Buba Jammeh in a land clash with Berending. The said police station was earlier attacked in a recent land dispute between Gunjur and Berending villages, with stones being pelted leading to destruction of doors, vehicle windscreens and furniture, by the angry mob of Gunjur who accused the officers of taking bribes and accepting plots of land by their rival village Berending. Our reporter while investigating the matter visited the Gunjur police station yesterday and can confirm to have found the station to be completely abandoned by the station officers since the land clash between the two neighbouring villages. Sources have told The Point that the attacked police station has since the outburst of the land dispute between the two communities been entirely evaded by the station officers. They claimed that the said officers are currently posted at the Sifoe Police Station, leaving the community in a state of insecurity. In an interview with The Point, police spokesperson A.S.P. Lamin Njie said he has been receiving calls with regard to the desertion of the station by the police officers at Gunjur, but could not at the time of going to press establish the fact, adding that information will be given in due course about the matter. Author: Yusupha Jobe

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