Thursday, July 6, 2017

Modou Sowe, Deputy Inspector General Of Police, Gambia

Former deputy Inspector general oGambia police
Until his demotion and redeployment recently, Modou Sowe was the deputy inspector general of Gambia police. But this came to an end recently when the UDP led government in the Gambia demoted him. Sowe was the commander whose unit intercepted the UDP in 2015 in the outskirts of Fass Njaga-Choi. The UDP was then the main opposition party in the Gambia at the time. But, commissioner Sowe and his men barricaded the road at Fass Njaga-Choi to prevent UDP from continuing their Nationwide campaign. For his role in preventing the UDP, commander Modou Sowe was promoted to deputy inspector general of Gambia police by former president Jammeh.

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