Saturday, July 8, 2017

Pharing Sanyang, Gambia National Army.

Second Lieutenant Pharing Sanyang is a member of The Gambia Armed Forces. He was arrested following the March 21st 2006 abortive coup plot against the government of The Gambia. While on trial, he told the court that he was subjected to serious torture during arrest. He was in the vehicle with Lance Corporal Malick Jatta, Corporal Ismaila Jammeh and Private Alieu Jeng, he was mal-treated by Malick Jatta. "Malick Jatta told me, yesterday was your day but today is my day. I asked him, how can you talk to me like that? He told me he would show me what he was going to do next. He tore off my uniform and started putting off his cigarette on my left shoulder. The cigarette burned my skin and I still have the scars," Sanyang lamented. He said that Corporal Ismaila Jammeh intervened and told Malick Jatta, 'How can you talk to him like this?' Malick responded by saying, 'This is an order that I received.' Corporal Jammeh told him that 'All orders are received but not all orders are executed,' he stressed.
Sanyang was later released from jail by Jammeh around 2014 and subsequently reinstated into the army by President Adama Barrow around April 2017.

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