Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Darboe Calls For Calm- As Expelled MP Jawara Attacks UDP Leader

Darboe Calls For Calm- As Expelled MP Jawara Attacks UDP Leader

 By: Musa S. Sheriff
Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, Leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) has called for calm among his families, relatives, friends and sympathisers and urged them to ignored profanity statements uttered by Hon Fatoumata Jawara, National Assembly Member (NAM) for Tallinding Constituency, during the President Adama Barrow’s Meet the People’s Tour held  at Tallinding, Buffer Zone.
Hon. Fatoumata Jawara, a former executive member of the UDP was recently expelled alongside seven other UDP National Assembly Members from the party and the Party claims that the eight NAM’s actions and behaviors are not in contravention with the party’s ideologies and mode of operation.
They were also accused of not attending the party’s meetings and function, a reason that UDP said warranted the dismissal of Jawara and co-lawmakers.
“I want to appeal to all the UDP members, Supporters, all my families and friends; please I’m appealing to you all to ignore the insults made by Fatoumata Jawara. I’m appealing to you all, please let no one reply or direct insults to Fatoumata Jawara”, Ousainou Darboe, UDP Leader appealed in a recorded audio that he urged his militants to distribute.
The insult launched by Hon. Fatoumata Jawara was made before The Gambian President, Adama Barrow at Tallinding, where she also said UDP militants must understand that her father was much better than Ousainou Darboe because he never smoke unlike UDP Party leader whom she described as an alcoholic.
“I sermon, Fatoumata Jawara to Allah our creator and to our Prophet (repeated three times), what they are accusing me of, such false accusations. For Fatoumata Jawara to make unfounded statements against me, a small child to insult me, whom Ya Adam my elder daughter, someone whom Numukunda (son) are older than to open up her mouth to insult me and people clapping for her, I sermon her to Allah,” Lawyer Ousainou Darboe cursed Tallinding Lawmaker.
Lawyer   Darboe warns that no militant or supporter of the United Democratic Party replied or direct insult Fatoumata Jawara, stressing that Allah will make a befitting judgment between him and Fatoumata Jawara.
While launching fresh attacks on the United Democratic Party leader and militants at the President’s Meet the People’s Tour, the expelled member for Tallinding Kunjang Constituency, Jawara insisted that she will not reply to the torrents of insults emanating from supporters and militants of the United Democratic Party, adding that she will rather direct her insults to their drunkard party leader, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe.
“If they (UDP Militants) insult me, my people always tell me not to reply them because they are not insulting me but the position that I hold. I want to tell you that I will not insult you but your leader.  You are insulting me on behalf of that wicked Alcohol drinker, who drank until his lips pilled-off, that drunkard whom we struggled alongside with is the one I will insult not you,” Hon. Fatoumata Jawara told a cheering crowd at the Buffer Zone.
She added: “What I want to tell you is that, the drunkard whom you are insulting me for, my father is better than him; my father live until he died he never smokes a cigarette. So if you are insulting me for the sake of that nonentity, that Alcohol drunkard I want to tell you that am ready for you and I want to assure Mr. President that this country is here for you.”

The voice newspaper 

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