Tuesday, September 18, 2018


The dismissed Gambian Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service Habib Drammeh, knew about his firing on social media after closing from work on Friday, the Freedom Newspaper can reveal. Mr. Drammeh was with the President at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital on Friday, during the distribution of fleet of ambulances that were donated to the government by Riders for health. There was no indication that he was about to be shown the exit door. Both him and the President left the hospital for the State House after the distribution of the ambulances.
Drammeh retires for the day after close of business on Friday. He went home—hoping to resume work on Monday, little did he knew that President Barrow has parted company with him.

Like his predecessor Yahya Jammeh, Adama Barrow also does his firings of public officials on Friday. He asked his staff to issue a press release that he has fired SG Drammeh. The press release was copied to this medium, including the local press in The Gambia.
Habib Drammeh has been on the radar of Ousainou Darboe’s supporters for a while now. He has been accused of siding with the Social Security staffers, who had a dispute with their boss Muhammed Manjang. He was tasked by the President to oversee the mediation process, but he was later replaced by a task force constituted by Mr. Barrow.

Mr. Drammeh is among the old guards of the former Jammeh administration. He was dismissed from The Gambia Tourism Authority (GTA) and jailed briefly before he was released. He was accused of embezzlement.
His reinstatement into the Civil Service was greeted by a strong resistance by the Darboe followers. He replaced Dawda Fadera, who was appointed Gambian Ambassador to the United States.
Analysts believed that Habib’s replacement is a counter measure by the President to prevent some elements of the UDP from organizing a demonstration against his regime weeks leading to his United Nations General Assembly Submit attendance. Habib’s firing will restore decorum within the UDP base; that their favorite SSHFC MD Manjang will bounce back soon.
In other words, Barrow has thrown red meat to the UDP base by firing their nemesis Habib Drammeh. If you want, you can say Habib Drammeh is the sacrificial lamb as far as the SSHFC debacle case is concerned.
Adama Barrow cannot afford to travel to the UN and leave an unstable nation behind. He knew very well that the disgruntled elements within the UDP base are not taking the SSHFC case very lightly. Hence, he has decided to employ mitigatory measures before the country will be thrown into a state of chaos.
Manjang has volunteered a lot of information against Habib Drammeh to the President. Keep in mind that he was part of the Board overseeing the defunct GPTC, when Habib was MD of the company. Manjang has some dirt on Habib, according to sources familiar with the story.
The likes of Bamba Mass, the fake diplomat, will now feel vindicated. We will not be surprised if he claims credit for having orchestrated Habib’s firing.
The rookie President is burning bridges with his former aides. There are far reaching political ramifications associated with his conduct.
Habib Drammeh knows a lot. He has accessed a lot of state secrets during the short stint of his employment with this regime.
It is suicidal for Barrow to treat him like a trash by firing him without availing him with respect. Habib can go dirty with Barrow, if he wants by exposing his secrets.
Mr. Barrow should be himself and stop imitating Yahya Jammeh. Yahya Jammeh is Yahya Jammeh, and Barrow is Barrow. The two are different. He cannot fake it!
Barrow accorded the same humiliating treatment to Fatoumatta Jallow Tambajang, the former Vice President. Now, word in the street, had it that the duo are trying to mend fences. Ms. Tambajang was among the government delegation to Ghana to attend Kofi Annan’s burial. She is in talks with Barrow, so we heard.
Mr. Barrow reserves the right to hire and fire public officials per the 1997 Constitution. But his gangster style of hiring and firing public officials is unacceptable. He should be man enough to face officials before firing them and thank them for their services to the nation than firing them like a MOB boss. We rest our case!

Written By Pa Nderry M’Bai. - Freedom Newspaper, - September 15th, 2018
Email: panderrymbai@gmail.com

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